Dear Customers, Friends,
and WEBSITE-Visitors,
Ambitious art requires sensitivity, passion, knowledge, experience, talent and the right clear concept. These are precisely the values, which build the core of dressage riding. Thats the reason why we decided to build -trough a special initiative -a bridge between art and equestrian sports.
We are pleased to inform You that as part of our Philantrophic Offer 2020 the initiative “Funded and Free Dressage Clinic” lead by Agnes Horvath exceeded all expectations and achieved great success. Thanks to the nationally and regionally unique idea Agnes Horvath was able to hold 37 individual training units during the cilic weekend, completely free of charge for the participants. This means dozens of talent should be supported through our project.
Thank you to everyone who took part in our initiative and supported us in our work!
Why charity in equestrian sports?
Because we know that sport and culture are areas that are now making serious losses and are areas that are “fragile” and vulnerable.
Because we believe that art and horses mean a serious responsibility that not everyone can bear.
Because we believe that there can be a close emotional bond between art / artwork and people. There is also an emotional and trusting bond between horse and rider. Emotional attachment is deeply human and everything that is human is important now! It counteracts alienation and the tendency towards abstraction.
Because we believe that this sport can be more than just money-oriented. We believe that knowledge, passion, commitment, endurance, performance and horse-centeredness are important (thinking here of fair, healthy horse training and high-quality riding knowledge and skills). Knowledge in particular seems to us to be of essential importance. The need and desire for knowledge and “new” knowledge. We firmly believe that special energies in this sport can be exponentially unfolded and developed by supporting our talents (riders and horses) and accompanying their development.