Részegh Botond

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Részegh Botond

Artist Portrait

Year of birth: 1977
Place of birth: Csíkszereda
Nationality: Romanian

Bucharest University of Fine Arts
2004-2008 Budapest University of Fine Arts doctoral school

Mircia Dumitrescu
Kőnig Róbert

2000: Romanian Writers’ Association. Book Design and Execution Fee
2005: Creative Communitas Foundation Fellowship
2007: Grand Prize of Ploiesti Iosif Iser Graphic Biennale

His work focuses on graphics; besides the tusche (Indian ink), he has experimented with the special techniques of ironmongery. A few years ago, acrylic pasteurized painting was also introduced in his art. The centerpiece of his creations is the metaphysical aspect of the curious, skeptical, but also of the man who is suffering and suffering from the burden of life.

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You are interested in works of this artist? Feel free to contact us at +36 995 32 210 or write us at galeria@horvath-lukacs.hu.

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